For Chica Travels blog article An Unforgettable Weekend in Bogota we create an interactive guide for their subscribers.
Bogotá has an unpredictable weather but the locals are warm and friendly, for the guide and post design I propose a color pastel tones palette representing the warm visitors could feel from the food and people in Colombia’s capital.
This city is a city of contrast between urban and mountains that’s the reason why I choose a bold type as Roc Grotesk Wide Heavy with Montserrat -the font use for the brand- to create a harmonious contrast.
For the illustrations of the dishes I use a monochromatic line art style mix with the photographs of the restaurants include in the article.
For the illustrations of the dishes I use a monochromatic line art style mix with the photographs of the restaurants include in the article.
Interactive Guide
The interactive guide we create for mobile and tablets has a recommendation of places for each moment of the day, so the users could move trow the city enjoying the best food Bogotá could offer, each plate has a place link for the user could contact the restaurants to make reservations or get more information.